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Ramblings From The Edge of Despair
Over-Drawn contributors provide a window into the minds of Over-Drawn's founder members.
A song by Lil 6
As I was groping in the darkness,
tryin' to find my way,
a fare few who crossed me,
learned to rue the day.
So to you who in my blindness,
I brought pain or hate,
only thing I can think to say
is to tell who I am today
An' I hope when you see me,
in whatever place I be,
you can open your heart,
an' see the same love I can see,
so that one day you at last
can set your soul freeeee...
For if one who was so wretched,
nuf to do the things I done,
can find the freedom of gods love,
so can anyone....
So come now let us leave behind
the monsters we were forced to be,
so we can build a future
where all can proudly sing 'we're free!'
Poetry, Essays, Short Stories,
Illustrations and a song examining
the greatest contradictions in our world.