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One simple machine

By Lil 6

When in fiction a being is beamed, in an instant,

one place to a far off other, what of who they were before,

and how can they now freely ignore

the slight against their former selves?


One such man, in one such land,

would find a way to stray as far,

as ever he could by plane, or car

via one simple machine.


He was a happy man back then.

His wife and children meant the world

so for them he would a flag unfurl

via one simple machine.


You would send your goods

far farther than you should

be it grain or high grade cocaine

via one simple machine


he went to work became a jerk

alienated his wife though she stood by

through all his lows and all his highs

for one simple machine


His kids of course set another course

understanding not how he could obsess

to the point he could not know them less

for one simple machine


So as he worked and broke through

another break he began to make

this in his mind and soul in kind

for one simple machine


It finally worked now the old and weary jerk

could at last at his detractors smirk

as he went to and fro with others or solo

with one simple machine


After a while both wife and grown child

said to him his pallor grew ever more grim

so that he might stop before his creation dwarfed him

with one simple machine


but so convinced his worth was entwined

with this creation that came from his mind

he could not see what evil there be

with one simple machine


So soon enough madness did begin

as into his mind crept ideas of sin

in vengeance for some wrong he could not pin

from one simple machine


Soon within a new obsession awakened

as he got older his heart grew colder

as if pieces of his soul had been taken

by one simple machine


then he found a backup log and out from it he did unclog

every variant trapped inside his computers drive

though from captivity they ranted and writhed

from one simple machine


so for their price his copies did exact

upon all the innocent whom they attacked

a toll so great that none survived

one simple machine

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